Activity Randomizer

Stop wasting time when picking things to do in your spare time.

You can filter your own activity lists or our pre-made lists.

Picking something to do is hard. Activity Randomizer makes it easy.

Start generating activities here.

Step 1/5: Copy this Google Sheet

The Activity Randomizer Example Sheet

  1. Do you have a Google or Gmail account? You can create an account here.
  2. Allow Activity Randomizer to use your sheets by clicking here.
  3. Go to this example sheet template and follow the 'Getting Started' steps.
  4. Copy the link of your document into the input field at step 1 above and click 'Load Sheets link.'
  5. Continue at step 2/5.

Want a more detailed tutorial with pictures?

Detailed tutorial with pictures

Step 2/5: Copy and paste your link here

Step 3/5: Pick a sheet

No sheets available.

Step 4/5: Filter (optional)

0 12

Step 5: Choose an activity

Your activity will appear right here!